"Walking on the footprint of our founders to assure excellence in education."
With this theme St. Aloysius Senior Secondary School Rimjha had organised an Inter School Spell Bee Competition on 21August 2023 in the lieu of Sesquicentennial Celebration of St. Aloysius Senior Secondary School Cantt. Spelling is the art of correctly assembling letters to form meaningful words. It is one of the essential components of successful writing. Being confident at spelling leads to confidence in all aspects of literacy. The competition was organised for the students from classes 4 to 8. Total 6 schools participated in it including St. Aloysius Cantt., Polipathar, Gaur, Panagar and St. Thomas. The format of the competition was inclusive of three rounds. The Preliminary round was a written round where a set of 5 words were given and 5 teams were qualified for the next Intermediate around.